What's Going On This Weekend

Caleb reshaped the front beds for me.
Instead of going straight across we curved them out a bit near the sidewalk.

Caleb transplanted about 9million azaleas from this front bed into the back wooded area.
They were choking out other plants and so was all the vinca.
The previous owners were vinca happy.
I painted those wooden box planters we bought last year at an estate sale ($5 each).
I haven't decided yet on what to plant in them.
Any ideas?

I can't wait to put up different shutters that aren't louvered.
I also want to plant lots of flowers and make it very cottage like.
That metal awning thing (our house is COVERED in awnings..even our garage unit) and metal
postshave got to go. I want something more substantional looking.
I'm thinking of painting the shutters a vintage/English green.
I think if you look reallllly closely you can see where we put some on to see how it looked.

What will eventually be the other side of the picket fence.
It's so hard to wait patiently for things as cute as white picket fences to appear.
Patience Adri, patience.
Anyways...those are hydrangeas

I know this doesn't look amazing, but my mom wanted to see what I'd been doing.
She helped weed out this bed and then the weeds came back :(
I've spent weeks and weeks now trying to keep this strange ground cover from coming back in the bed.
It's still beating me. I hate..as in pationately HATE ground cover of any kind.
Except if you count ivy growing on old English houses or something. That's cute.

It looks barren, but I've planted tons of bulbs that are starting to come up.

Poor Caleb!
He works so hard ya'll.
He's helping make our yard look a m a z i n g!

I know this isn't the yard, but look at those gorgeous sconces my dad bought me at an auction recently.
They look perfect in our dining room!
Thanks Daddy :)


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