Preserving Books

I have always loved books.
I love reading and I love that my littles love books too.
Reading books together is a big deal around here.
I've collected children's books since my early teens.
I'd just put them back for my "future children".
It is such a blessing to me to now get to enjoy those books with my kiddos.
Tate especially enjoys reading time. He is itching to learn to read and already
 doing well in learning his letters and numbers.

But we have to be real kids have eaten books, shredded books,
spilled things on them, etc.
Dust jackets take a total beating around here.
Back in my single years I made sure to cover any book, new or old with a clear protective dust jacket cover. So I ordered some recently for the children's books that have dust jackets.

I ordered from the same brand I use to order from years ago called Brodart. I'm not sure if you can order on their website. I have always ordered via Ebay or Amazon.
I've used them for over 10 years now and they have held up well and preserved my books beautifully.

It is a fast and easy way to ensure books are better preserved and will make it to see the light of another day and hopefully, another generation.

You just lay out the roll and then lay the dust jacket on top.
Then cut it to size.

Just pull back the clear plastic side from the white paper side and insert the dust jacket.
Then pull down the top and put a little piece of scotch tape to hold it 
together (the tape does not touch the actual dust jacket at all).
Then simply put it back on the book.

I highly recommend this Psalm 23 book by Richard Watson. Beautiful illustrations with all verses straight from the Scriptures. It was very helpful with Tate learning to memorizing the 23rd Psalm quickly. I think they also offer it in a small board book.

Here are my recent $1 flea market finds.
Tate especially loves this "Bugs by the Number" book. It's really fascinating. The graphics are wonderful. I think it's going to be a great addition to our homeschool library.


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